Tuesday, May 02, 2006

The final doom of the Underverse

The Underverse is officially dead. It has been wiped off the face of the planet. Now the site is just a placeholder for the domain name, an address which was once the gateway to a bold new future. Only its rotting corpse remains today, in the form of disassociated articles that were cached by Google when the Underverse was in its prime.

It is a strange thing to watch a dream develop, feeding off the toil of the inspired, then to see it topple into the dust from which it emerged. The ghost of the Underverse will eventually be exorcised from the Interweb, but the circumstances and times surrounding it are things that won't be forgotten by those involved.

I have heard humans speak of the Underverse with fond remembrance, of the crazy creative blasts that we as a community would unleash upon our growing sphere of influence. Yet the same people are unwilling to take part in recreating that amazing insanity. This nostalgic defiance is infuriating, and reeks of laziness. However, it is understandable - people invested a lot of themselves in the Underverse. To have the plug pulled on them was a breach of trust and a slap in the face of their hard work and dedication. It's difficult to break down these kinds of barriers, but it is worth trying. I saw how the Underverse inspired people. Building a similar atmosphere with Mindcloud is crucial to its success in improving the lives of everyone.

Anyhow, that's enough for today.

22/02/2005 - 01/05/2006
Damn the Earth Government

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